Xcode Crashes 14.1 beta

Restart -

Open a Playground First!

This has been my workaround for xCode 14.1 silently crashing... it then seems to not restart my Project. So I open a Playground (or another small project file) Close it and then xCode will re-open my desired (crashed upon) Project.

Do you know why? Anything I should be avoiding - is it something I did/said?

I'm guessing that the crash leaves the Project file open in some background thread that stays running - so the Mac Restart - closes the Project file. Why the need to Open a different Project first... maybe that is a Red-Herring...

It smells like I'm having issues with the project file... on iCloud file store. So I've move the project to the local hard disk. We will see if this change makes xCode more stable. OH YEAH! That moving to the harddrive has resolved the Xcode Stability issue for me.

Ask Apple Developer

Do you see the new offer by Apple - speak with an Expert.

I didn't see the Xcode experts in the list... I've got a few suggestions and question...

Someone from Apple support noted they would have Q&A via a Slack channel.

I've not found how to join in - but they were suggesting that would be OPEN.