Learn from this...

As I'm beginning with CloudKit I've looked at several people's example code. I've followed the patterns there - but sometimes following an example without truly understanding the reasons and methods underlying the code can lead to problems. I feel I've discovered one of these problems - yesterday.

I've been using the article of Majid's Fasting Example. In this example he uses a converter computed property to construct the CKRecord. So of course I did the same. I'm not saying his code is bad/wrong or anything like that... it has helped me alot. I'm saying I followed it blindly and incorrectly - my mistake.

Here's my code... spot the mistake?

I create a CKRecord on init() for the WLTicker object. But I never do much with that local ckRecord (a property of the WLTicker). Then later when I want to CKPrecipitable (my cute name) for a protocol that marks the class as being able to be read/writen to iCloud - Precipitation - meaning: rain, or snow from the clouds. I use my convertToRecord
computed property, which creates yet another CKRecord - Opps!

So then when I write the CKRecord to the Cloud DB and read it back out my code is confused by which record I want to delete when I've asked the App to delete a Ticker.

I think I've found my error... Now which pattern is the better example to follow?

Should I keep using the converterToRecord property? Or should I keep the CKRecord as a property of the WLTicker? Or is there some other pattern that I should consider? Hmm.

The realization I've had today is the CKRecord is a key-value (Dictionary) with some unique metadata. It is designed to wrap the typical primitive values - NOT be wrapped! So having the CKRecord held by my WLTicker object is a poor practice. It is going to cause some recursion/redundant something when I call the convertToRecord.

I'm now thinking (and this could change as I learn better practices) that I should work with the system... allow the CKRecord to wrap my WLTicker (WL = Watch List).

Let's see what happens when I rewrite the persistence code to work with CloudKit.

I think this is going to matter a lot more as the simple example code becomes more complex with CKRecord.Reference objects. When I tie my WLTicker to the Transactions I'm about to create. Do you know which one should have the reference? I'm guessing! I'm going to start with a Transaction holding a reference to a WLTicker.

Do you have any ideas - let me know on Mastodon.


After another day of experimentation, running and testing - I've got the deletion of existing records fixed! Hey - this is a milestone for me. I feel like I'm understanding why it was failing and have it working.

struct WLTicker: CKPrecipitable, Hashable, Identifiable {

var ckRecord: CKRecord?

I think the key change is to make the WLTicker hold an optional ckRecord and update or populate upon init(). It's not the best code but I think it is working as intended.

Now the pattern I'm using is to hold the ckRecord inside the WLTicker and use the convertToRecord to populate or update the record before going to CKServices (CloudKit).

Does this pattern hold as I start to link objects and records - we will see...