Push to Apple's
Xcode Cloud

Setup Continous Build...

I'm trying to remember the once a decade instructions for setting up CI on Apple's Xcode Cloud.  The Apple Docs have a lengthy list of thing to consider... I say, just do it!  Go to the Report Navigator tab and select Cloud.  Of course click the 'Get Started...' button.  Good Luck!

Build it ...

It was not too hard... I had one big hurdle; had to sign the Apple Connect Store Agreements (again).

I also may need to edit the configuration and add TestFlight pushes. 

Failing the Build

I believe these are failing Unit test & UI test that I've not yet figured out how to resolve.  Not show-stopping failures.   Just things I plan to fix later.  Wonder how I signal this in the CI configuration?  There is a ignore test menu item.

Disable Test...

I'm thinking this is the signal to the CI system that we want to ignore the test results.  Not sure if it is still RUNNING the test... or never running the test.
I know the disabled test is very difficult to notice - and understand.  Just a gray font for the test name.

I feel strongly that the disabled test should be more than obviously shouting to the developer - I AM NOT WORKING!  Xcode is not doing this.  I guess it has to do with culture.  In a test-first development culture, commented-out and disabled tests are a process smell - and hence generally considered bad.  If one could audit the Apple source code, I'm guessing it would turn up quite a lot of disabled test.  Yes, all that judgment shadow... from the implementation of the disable test feature.

See Also:

Auto Increment Build Number - now done magically on Cloud.

TestFlight:  What to Test - a file to communicate with testers.