Sweet Spot - for Bots?

Just wondering...

Where is the sweet spot for writing, creating, using BOTS?

Everybody is applying AI to their products in today's vast marketplace... many have no clue as to what the term - AI means beyond marketing value.  I've been playing in the stock market options market... specifically concentrating on the use of automation.  When I first learned of options trading... I cringed and got very far away from that type of intense number-driven, technical analysis, mythical pattern-matching world.  Now 30 years later here I am in the midst of the Options Trading world.  Trying to apply computers to the individual experience of trading options.

I've learned by experience and many hours studying the basic capabilities of trading options.   This is an area rip for the plucking by computer automation.

I've worked with several tools at various levels of UX for the automation ... and it has left me wondering what is the "sweet spot" for automation.  Should it allow very high levels of personal customization - like a high-level special purpose programming language (Options Alpha)?  Should it focus first upon getting common simple trades placed, no real customization (Options Auto Trader)?  Could it be built for the masses and rethink the complet options market place (OptionsAI)?

I've used these and investigated others.

But knowing where the sweet spot is... I do not know...  yet!


Click thru the slides to see Options AI in action.