Legacy Refactoring

How many times will Lance mention a TARGET (on my back)?
This class has not been tested.... Lance holds his breath...

The scary question: How do we test that we didn't break something? Can the patient can get off the table? oh ... yeah we can launch the simulator... and prove to our selves that it works.

ZIP comes from Collection framework.

Refactoring to a Reference Architecture... that Lance whips out in a flash!

It's a HEAVY-WEIGHT paper with a marker... makes it official.

If you can decifier this diagram - write your answer on the back of a $20 bill and mail it to me.

We have a coupling problem, said Lance, it's not a giant problem... because David knows how to copy and paste.

Query: Can YOU keep your XCUI test running for over a YEAR? We want to chat with you.

We increased our coupling of test code to the SceneDelegate's sequences. One day we will fix that up also.

Our goal is to get all our card properties out of our model so that we can have many different models for many different paytrons.

When my internet failed... because my cat NullPointer chewed up my cable... She had been missing for a few hours... I now see that she had faxed herself to Lance's house... cause there she is - sitting pretty.