How to Localize an App in Xcode

Localization - the easy way.

Project menu (Option key) Run ... then on the Options tab select Localization Debuggin - Show non-localized strings.

I learned this technique from Paul Hudson - developing his Ultimate Portfolio project, so you will see this project name in examples.

Step 1

Create a new Strings file.

File > New File > filter for “strings” choose Strings File - name it “Localizable.strings

The Localizable.strings file is a key = value; list of terms e.g. “hotel” = “The White Horse Inn”;

Change to the source code folder: Development/UltimatePortfolio/UltimatePortfolio

The command line tool - and run the command: genstrings -SwiftUI *.swift

This command will put it’s output in Localizable.strings

Step 2

Hand coding work:

%@ -> %lld as in "%lld items" = "%lld items";

Add the strings that are not found by genstrings

Then back in Xcode > Projects (Option)-Run > App — Options tab > App Language - set to “Double-Length Pseudolanguage” - makes the language double - speak :^). Helps find the other strings like below:

In HomeView.swift the line

@ViewBuilder func list(_ title: String, for items: FetchedResults<Item>.SubSequence) -> some View {

@ViewBuilder func list(_ title: LocalizedStringKey, for items: FetchedResults<Item>.SubSequence) -> some View {

Step 3

Delete these lines

/* No comment provided by engineer. */

"%lld items" = "%lld items";

We will use a Strings Dictionary for plurals.

New > File > filter for “strings” make Localizable.stringsdict

Then right click on file name >> Open As - Source Code :: to get XML view.

Video mark 30:54

Change: <key>StringKey</key> into <key>%lld items</key>

Step 4

In Project-CoreDataHelpers.swift these strings need to use lower level NSLocalizedString()

var projectTitle: String {

title ?? NSLocalizedString("New Project", comment: "Create a new project")


Step 5 - Localization to a specific language

Localization - Step 1 - choose a language

Project file > Info tab Localization section

Localization - Step 2 - file inspector - click Localize…