Automating Trades

Stock Trade Automation

What do you use to start automating your Trades?

Are you even prepared to get into the fine art of programming, coding, debugging, and basic logic problems/solutions?

This is an area where one of the brightest companies on the planet cannot decide how they wish to proceed.  The Mac has at least 3 concurrent ways of automating a task today (Automator, AppleScript, & Shortcuts).  Not to mention of couse all the real coding tools:  Xcode and many more, along with scripting languages, and intrepreted code like Python.

So, back to stock trading - where do you start?

Well here is an analogy (useful if you naturally understand it - useless if you have no experience to understand it from):

If Apple Shortcuts (prebuilt bits of awesome functionality) are what you want/need - then Options Auto Trader (launching June 8th) more info here on Skool Site: IMP Options Traders.

If you want a touch of coding your own tools/strategies try the Automator analogy which might just be the Options Alpha platform.  It is a robust platform for creating your own stratigies in a very structured plug & play domain language.

Looking for a partner that lets you integrate their platform with your own source code, more like an AppleScript component, then look to Quant Connect.

Oh, maybe I had to stretch that analogy beyond the breaking point.  But if you have gotten this far... and still searching perhaps you need a tool provider that has provided the HyperCard of tools - try OptionsAI a platform that has rethought the whole trading experience and brought it kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.